➡ Click here: Digital india data entry
Usually they provide details of No. I think you have recently tried to redeem when you were not having 2500 points.
Finally click on Submit. Although this website digital india data entry 100% legit and genuine to earn money. I think DIP team is working on it and they will solo all the issues by next month not sure, guess. Thus, the Next Generation Network is a special initiative that has been taken up by the telephone service provider BSNL. Contestant who are interested to do Data Entry Operator work they must login the DIP Portal through online process. Too Name: Data Entry Operator DEO Income Per Month: Rs. You are with happy user's We are happy to see you here. For addressing this issue, the government has thought about establishing broadband highways. These officers will be placed in 10 government departments and will look after the e-governance part. Con you complete you need to submit the work to us via email. Update 17 April 2018 PM Modi may launch Second Phase of Digital India Programme on June 15 The Government of India, aims at stepping into the second phase of Digital India.
You can check your earning by clicking on Rewards and redeem your points there. Digitize India Platform offers an opportunity for government agencies to transform themselves into digital enterprises and for Digital Contributors, rewards for doing simple data entry jobs.
digitizeindia.gov.in Data Entry Work from Home by Government of India under Digitize India Platform Online Registration Now & Download App - However, as of now, email addresses can only be created in English language.
Well look no further. DEiTY is an initiative of government of India which offers an opportunity for government agencies to transform themselves into digital enterprises and for digital contributors people like us to make money online by doing simple data entry work. They just want to make all the existing content in different formats and media, languages usable. For doing this DIP provides a secure and automated platform for processing and extracting relevant data from document images in a format that is further used for meta-data tagging, IT application processing and analysis. You probably have heard of some other popular crowd sourcing platforms before like Mturk, Microworkers etc , DEiTY works similarly. Digital India Platform helps digitizing the documents for willing Govt. Any Indian Citizen who fulfills following prerequisites can apply. A valid Aadhar number is mandatory for process. Fill all the details such as full name, email , phone number etc on sign up form and submit the form. System will validate your Aadhar number before signing up. You will be redirected to your account dashboard where you will see the available snippet and your work records. Complete basic profile by entering valid information such as your state, district, Pin-code, academics etc. Incomplete profile may lead to suspension of your account. If your Aadhar is already linked to your bank account then click on Check Status button. The system will automatically verify the bank details. Otherwise go to your bank and get your Aadhar linked to your bank account. This is the only way how it works. Once your work will get approved, you will receive points. Usually they provide details of No. You can check your earning by clicking on Rewards and redeem your points there. Reward rate is 2 Paisa per character , although your earnings depend on your accuracy levels and speed. If your Aadhar is seeded into your bank account, it will pickup all the bank details automatically and will show you with what bank account your Aadhar is linked otherwise it will show Error : Aadhaar number is not available. Note: If you have not attached your Aadhar with your bank I would suggest you to link your Aadhar through your online internet banking account. Once you submit your Aadhar details in your internet banking account , they will send a message on your registered mobile number that your Aadhar has been seeded into your bank account successfully. Now login back to your Digitize India Account and check status. I hope I will work. An OTP one time password will be sent to your registered mobile number. Finally click on Submit. Note: Remember 2 things here. I mean you need to have at least 2500 points to be able to withdraw your money to your bank account. Payment Proof of Digitize India There were so many comments that Digitize India is not sending their payment in Bank account. So one day I typed 3395 snippets with an accuracy of 86 to collect 3064 reward points. I applied for withdrawal 2500 Reward Points on 10th October, 2016. After waiting 23 days, Digitize India deposited my Payment in my bank account on 3rd November, 2016. Here is the screenshot of my internet banking account — People who have not received payment yet, please stop checking payment status in your DIP account. Either Open your internet banking account and check all the transactions or get your bank passbook printed. Also remember, you might not get Bank Transaction SMS in your registered mobile number. How many days you should wait to get your money from Digitize India? Believe me, Waiting 30 days for payment is not a big deal. Many of sites take 4 to 6 weeks in order to make payments. So have a lot of patience and keep working. This is how it works online. How much money one can earn from Digitize India Platform? Well it depends on your typing speed, accuracy and internet connection speed. An average person can earn 2500 reward points typing 1 and half hour. As you already know 2500 reward points are worth INR 50. So at this rate, one can make about INR 8000 every month by typing 7-8 hours everyday. Is there any solution to this problem? They can only send you snippets when they have documents to be digitized and this will only happen when govt. There are not many large-scale digitization projects have been successful in India in the past. What you can do is only wait, untill they have something to offer you. Any https site would give this error if its SSL certificate has been expired. If you are using Chrome browser and facing this error, click on Advanced on the error page. Some additional information will be shown. Now Click on Proceed to digitizeindia. You will be redirected to digitize India Platform. If you are using Firefox then, click on Advanced and then click on Add Exception button. A WORD OF ADVICE Writing this in October,2015 many people have complained of not receiving enough work. This may be due to the fact that this is a new project. For any query related to Digitize India Platform contact them directly. This is a server side problem and only they can solve it. Everything is alright now. Digital India Platform helps digitizing the records of Govt. If You are not happy with Digitise India platform , You can try these. But most of these kind of site will only be able to pay up to 1. Or You can also find other that suits you better. One should understand that this is a new venture and the teething problems are there. This is a government of India venture and you should not comment that this is a fake one and should not compare it with private ones. One should keep in mind that any amount due from the govt. One should have patience. In case you have no other work or you find extra time, you try it and earn points. The money will definitely come 2 paise per character. There are certainly some issues with Digitize India Platform. A lot of people are facing different issues. I think you have recently tried to redeem when you were not having 2500 points. These are my personal opinions. You can contact Digitize India anytime regarding your issue. Let us know if you find a solution so that other facing same problem can get benefitted. Hi, I have joined the portal recently. Am getting snippets continuously. What is the reason? Can you tell how to enter some data. Do we need to enter data how it is shown in the snippet — For example with space,. Is there a format in which we need to enter? Also, is the characters case sensitive? Please help on my queries Hi, I am a senior citizen and ex employee of a public sector and do not receive any pension. Please let me know why my Aadhaar no is not authenticated even after trying several times. Is there any age limit? Please help me to get registered as I am in dire need of earning some money through this programme. I sent an email some 10 days back to the dept but did not receive any reply. You may please send a mail to my Email id. Hello Sir, I have not encountered any such training program. But it does not mean they are fraud, They might be genuine or fake. There is no age limit. Digitize India website is facing a lot of issues. Is your Aadhar linked with your bank account? Shreon Namaste My name is SHISHIR. I want to genuine work of data entry to earning. Can you suggest me any genuine website where I can the genuine data entry work without any investment. I searched on net different online data entry work but all of these asking money for registration and I heard these money asking sites could be fake or scam. So please suggest me some genuine sites to do data entry work online or offline without any investment. It is going smoothly except with intermittent stops because of shortage of snippets. I request you may upload a video explaining step by step on how to proceed till the final submission by the worker is done. You may be knowing that on this day there are about 50,000 members in DIP. Hi friends, i am still in confusion whether digitize india is genuine site and it pays for our work. I read all the comments posted, i have redeemed a week back and i m still waiting for it to be paid and the transaction status is still showing intiated. Please any one who doing this work respond if you have paid or not. I saw in youtube that some posted it was paid. But if they will pay then i want to know how many days from the day we intiate they will take to pay. Sir, i reading all comments and reweis but one thing i want to know that if one reward point is equal to 2paise then why they have written on the site that 2paise is equal to per character. Acc to u the 1reward point is 2paise then why they have written that per charactet is 2paise reply me sir , kindly sort my problem i will very thank full to you. Hi Sudhir, I gone through a lots of comments, impressive your reply too! A small query about my profile, may you have some idea about it. I worked for approx 3000 and put it for redeemed from that time only its showing initiated. I am just concern as per they listed it only takes 3-5 working days and not it became more. You will find an option somewhere to add your aadhar card. Add aadhar card from there. You should get a message on your phone that your aadhar card has been linked to your bank account. It may take 24-48 hours. Once you get message, open your digitize India account and click on check status. Or you can open another account with someone else details in your family. Hi Sudhir, I became member in Sep 2016 and had some issues but now it is smooth. My bank, AAdhar linked and registered too. Had some questions and tried to seek HELPLINE of DIP many times, wrote mails. They never responded till now. My accuracy currently is 85% and earned about 50K reward points. Applied for DONATION and also redeem on 21st Oct, after some struggle. The status says redeem initiated since then. It is OVER 18 days now. WHAT IS THE PAYMENT CYCLE, on their standard SLAs??? The snippet with TICK boxes are some times confusing. Most of the times you get TWO boxes in the Snippets one ticked and other blank. SHOULD WE TAKE THIS OF TICKED or NOT as we need to give one answer??? I think the the entries have to be CASE sensitive to get better accuracy. But what about punctuation marks? If you find two commas, etc. Are we support to replicate as such or allowed to enter correct punctuation??? Thanks for your support and it is immense help to the DIP volunteers. For now I can only tell you that it takes at least 30 days to get money. I myself have an accuracy of 86%, hope someone with better accuracy would be able to explain it better. Yes, entries have to be case sensitive. Sometime, I correct punctuation before typing. I know someone praveenmatourpk gmail. Hope he can share some tips. Thanks Sudhir for the prompt response. I was not expecting such a rapid reaction. I request, Praveen to help on some of the finer points: a Snippet with tick box, sometimes have two boxes. If both are same it is OK, as we need to give one answer YES or NO. What if one ticked and other NOT. Should we use the first one? Should we enter the clear one or it is not worth and skip? How do I get more options. It was not allowing this. Hope you will help, Thanks in advance I have been using this for the last couple of months and on 21st Oct redeemed 20500 points and Donated some. And the reward summary shows initiated. I was worried that the payment would not come. But when I checked my bank account I saw the the credit of Rs 410, for the same on 3rd Oct. It took about 13 days in this case. I wanted to tell this to all those who are in the same situation as I was, and now I have full belief in the system. Only thing I see is the remuneration is little low. Even after 85% accuracy spending about couple hours daily you can earn max about Rs 2000. Spend more time, more accurate, higher speed then u may get little more. Are there any other learnings on the improvement of earnings?? The backend team never respond, but this blog is VERY Supportive and Sudhir is highly responsive. Hi Sudhir Sir, This is Sandip Paul from Kolkata, I regularly follow your this page for DIGITIZE INDIA details, actually I have been working since 20-25 days in digitize india platform. For the first few days may be 3-4 days website shows my details like number of snippet , number of characters rgulalry updated. But last few days my data remain same, where as, I work 2-3 hour on daily basis. But my details like snippet, characters remain same… What should I do??? Hi, I am also facing same problem since 4 days. I want to know if this is hapenning to others also. Many others are too complaining that stats are not being updated. Same problem happened a few days ago. The stats were not being updated. So now, its up to you. You have to decide whether you have to keep working continuously or you have to stop for a while. I understand that the snippets are not available because of more no of DIP and less availability of snippets. I am thinking of stopping of doing the work and find some other work. Please suggest as there is no fun waking up early and finding no work makes feel sad and boring. Hi Everyone, Now I am getting snippet exhausted error. Last week snippets were available. I think DIP team is working on it and they will solve all the issues by next month not sure, guess. I have done the digitize India work from last 2 months. I have withdrawn my redeem point from last and this month also. Last month November 10th first time i withdraw my redeem point. But still now i did not get my redden points in to my bank account. Now what can i do sir. Please give m e suggestion. I did not get the money from last 2 times withdrawal redeem points.